Migrate to v2 Tokens

 Heros V2 powered by EVERRISE will utilize the EVERMIGRATE utility. The migration from V1 to V2 happens seamlessly within a single transaction. The transaction process takes approximately 30 seconds and will be completed with a simple gas fee that is not inflated by the number of tokens you are migrating. We will offer support through this process and insure that the Migration can happen at any point in the future. Here is how simple it is to migrate V1 to V2.


Click the Connect Wallet button at the bottom of this page and connect your wallet.


Once your wallet is connected select Heros

You will need to enable EverMigrate, when you hit enable it will prompt you to open your wallet to sign the transaction.

Once enabled, you can select Max as it all tokens should get migrated off v1.


Once you’re ready to migrate, press the migrate button. This will prompt your wallet to open and for you to confirm gas rates and pay the gas. Once your transaction has gone through, you’ll receive a notification confirming that your tokens have been successfully migrated. You can click on the notification to view the txn and you can see your token balance update.


Once the migrating process is successful add the v2 contract address to your wallet to see your tokens.

**Advance Option: Sending your v2.0 Tokens to a Different Wallet Address**

You can choose to send your v2.0 tokens to a new wallet address for no fees except gas. If you use this option, make sure you are inputting a wallet address that is on the ETH network as this is where your original tokens were.

Click Connect Wallet Below

*if you are having any issue you can visit https://app.everrise.com/evermigrate/upgrade